Wednesday, September 28, 2011

#CHEAP Repcillin Natural Crocodile Skin Treatment (30g Tub)African Cures

Repcillin Natural Crocodile Skin Treatment (30g Tub)

Repcillin Natural Crocodile Skin Treatment (30g Tub)

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Repcillin Natural Crocodile Skin Treatment (30g Tub) Overview

An extract from National Geographic Article: Alligator Blood May Lead to Powerful New Antibiotics April 7, 2008 "The study team thinks that pills and creams containing crocodile peptides could be available at local pharmacies within seven to ten years. Such products would be a boon to patients that need extra help preventing infections."---NatGeo April 2008. Repcillin is now in the USA visit AlligatorOil or AfricanCures Website. Crocodiles contain the strongest Peptides that are used to help heal their own bodies without the help of their immune system, healing deep cuts and gashes from territorial fights while in dirty water. Use Repcillin Crocodile Balm to treat your eczema or your childs eczema. Repcillin is a 100% natural skin balm with no chemical additives or perfume. It contains 100% pure crocodile oil, beeswax, and other natural healing oils. It is suitable for all skin types and has been used with success on humans and animals alike. Our research and tests on various skin ailments has shown very beneficial results and testimonials can read on our website africancures. Repcillin Balm will relieve the pain and stop the itching soon after the first application. Within a week the scales will stop forming and the red marks will begin to fade. Within four weeks most signs of the eczema will be gone. According to a group of eczema suffers, Repcillin, also known as "Dr Croc the Skin Doc", has certainly worked for them, also relieving the itching instantly. It can also help heal abrasions, bites, burns, blisters, cracked skin etc. In fact most skin problems could benefit from this smooth odourless balm.

Repcillin Natural Crocodile Skin Treatment (30g Tub) Feature

  • Natural Eczema Treatment for all ages, infants to adults.
  • 100% Natural Ingredients, contains African Crocodile Oil.
  • Relieves itching and increases skin healing.
  • Crocodile oil contains the strongest natural peptides.
  • Contains no chemical additives or steroids.